March 29, 2025

9-1-1 Addresses

9-1-1 Address

All 9-1-1 Addresses for Fall River County outside of incorporated areas must be given through the GIS department. Do not pick your own number! Emergency services will not be able to find you!  For addresses in Hot Springs contact the Hot Springs City Hall (605-745-3135), for addresses in Edgemont contact the Edgemont City Hall (605-662-7422), for addresses in Oelrichs contact the Oelrichs post office.

New Building Site: 

To assign a 9-1-1 address the location where the permanent driveway will meet the road needs to be decided. The address number is assigned based on where the driveway and road meet, moving the driveway over 50 feet may result in a new address so it is important that the owner be certain of the location of the permanent driveway. Once the location has been chosen our office will need to visit the location in order to obtain latitude and longitude coordinates to add the address into the 9-1-1 system and assign the address number.

(If your driveway approach is located on a county road an approach permit from the county highway department is required. See application.)

Some properties can be addressed in a couple days while other require more time to work out other issues.  Please give at least three weeks for obtaining your address in case complications arise.  If the naming of a new road is required please give a minimum of two months.

Address signs are ordered at the end of each month and generally require another eight weeks after that to arrive.  The county highway department installs the signs. Currently the county covers all expenses for the sign and installation.

Addressing 2nd Building at Location:

A 2nd 9-1-1 address may be required for the following reasons:

  • a 2nd dwelling (house or mobile home) is added to property
  • a phone line is added to another structure on property (the phone company requires a unique address for each structure with a phone line)

9-1-1 addresses are not required for a garage or other out building (with no phone line) that is built near an addressed structure.


If you are in need of a 9-1-1 address please contact our office at 605-745-7584 or [email protected]

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