July 27, 2024

Auditors & Welfare Office


Tax Deed Sale – the last tax deed sale took place on May 4th, 2023, the next sale is not scheduled

Election Information

Mill Levy Sheet 2023 (taxes payable 2024)
Mill Levy Sheet 2022 (taxes payable 2023)
Mill Levy Sheet Archive

2024 Report – Tax Distribution  New Housing Report
2023 Report – Taxes, Taxable Value, Mill Levies
2022 Report – Taxes, Taxable Value, Mill Levies
2021 Report – Taxes, Taxable Value, Mill Levies

Audit Reports
Press Release Archive

County Poor Relief Guidelines 2017

The Auditor’s Office is responsible for auditing all accounts and maintaining all financial records in and for Fall River County. This includes processing payroll, preparing the annual budget, establishing levies and apportioning of all tax collections. Monthly audits of all cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer and a verification of bank account balances are performed. Annual Financial Reports are prepared indicating the receipts and expenditures, liabilities and equity, and assets of the County.

The Auditor is the clerk for the Board of County Commissioners and keeps an accurate record of their official proceedings including the Board of Equalization hearings. The Auditor preserves all documents, books, and records as required by law.

The Auditor performs all the duties required by law relative to all County, State and Federal elections held in the County. The Auditor also maintains all records of voter registration and election history.

Auditor’s Office:
906 N. River St.
Hot Springs, SD 57747
Ph: (605) 745-5130
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fax: (605) 745-6835

County Auditor: Sue Ganje
Financial Deputy: Stacy Schmidt
Administrative Assistant: Bobbie Janis
Payroll & Payable: Cindy Burns
Elections Administrative Assistant: Arrow Bettelyoun

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