March 4, 2025


money2As the value of the county increases, mill levies can decrease so long as budgets remain mostly the same. We are now seeing our third year of mill levy decreases as the county wide reassessment takes effect.  This year the greatest decreases are seen in the cities of Edgemont and Oelrichs which were reassessed just last year.


Starting with our communities; Edgemont saw a 10% decrease to their total mill levy. The Edgemont city mill decreased 12%, the Edgemont school mill decreased an average of 10% (differs for Ag, Owner occupied and Non-Ag), the ambulance mill decreased 10%, and the county mill levy decreased 5%.

Oelrichs saw a 13% decrease to their total mill levy. The Oelrichs city mill decreased 24%, the Oelrichs school mill decreased an average of 6% (differs for Ag, Owner occupied and Non-Ag), the ambulance mill decreased 10%, and the county mill levy decreased 5%.

Hot Springs saw an average 4% decrease to their total mill levy. The Hot Springs city mill decreased 1%, the Hot Springs school mill decreased an average of 7% (differs for Ag, Owner occupied and Non-Ag), the ambulance mill decreased 2%, and the county mill levy decreased 5%.

Outside of these communities; property owners in the Edgemont School District saw an average 8% decrease to their total mill levy, the Oelrichs School District saw an average 5% decrease to their total mill levy, and the Hot Springs School District saw an average 6% decrease to their total mill levy.

Mill Levy Sheet 2016 (taxes payable in 2017)

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