March 4, 2025

Commercial Reassessment – Preliminary Notices

The Director of Equalization (DOE) completed the fourth year of the county-wide reassessment this year with the completion of the commercial reassessment.  As with the residential reassessment preliminary assessment notices have been sent to all commercial property owners.  These notices were sent on Friday January 20th.  If you are a commercial property owner and have not received a notice by the end of the week please inform the DOE at 605-745-5136.

These preliminary notices display the value changes ascribed to a property due to the field work that was conducted in the summer of 2016.  These new values are not reflected in the tax bill which was also sent in January.  (The January tax bill is based on values from the March 2016 assessment notice.) Commercial property owners have until February 10th to contact the assessors about these preliminary values.

Official assessment notices will be sent out on March 1st after which any changes will have to use the official appeal process. The deadline for official appeals is March 16th for Oelrichs, Provo, and Argentine; April 4th for all other locations in Fall River County.

For more information see the DOE webpage.

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