March 4, 2025

2017 Assessment Notices Mailed

The Fall River County Director of Equalization (DOE) has mailed the assessment notices for 2017.  Notices were mailed March 1st and should be received within the week.  If you do not receive your assessment notice please contact their office at 605-745-5136.

Items to check on your assessment notice:

  1. Property Class: all properties are classed as Agricultural (AG), Non-Agricultural (NA), or Owner Occupied (OO).
  2. Assessment Value: this is the value that the DOE believes you could sell this property for on the open market.
  3. Legal Description: if a new plat was filed for a property before November of 2016 check to see that the legal description was update.

If there are issues with any of the above or issues involving owner name or contact information please contact the DOE office before March 16th (for Oelrichs, Argentine, Provo) or before April 4th (for remainder of county including Hot Springs and Edgemont.)

The value listed on your 2017 assessment notice will be used to compute your tax bill that will be delivered in January of 2018. Remember, it is not possible to appeal your taxes, if your assessed value is too high you must appeal NOW to get your taxes lowered for 2018.

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