February 22, 2025

Fireworks: Where and When

The 4th of July is almost here, so where can you shoot Fireworks in Fall River County?


In Fall River County (outside of city limits) fireworks are permitted on PRIVATE land OUTSIDE of the Black Hills Fire Protection District. That is land SOUTH of the Cheyenne River and EAST of SD Highway 79. The discharge of fireworks is permitted from June 27 through July 9, 2023 per State Law 34-37-16.1 .  South Dakota Codified Law 34-37-11 prohibits the use of fireworks within the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District, it also prohibits the use of fireworks on public lands such as national forests, national parks, land managed by the Game Fish & Parks, etc. The Black Hills National Forest and Buffalo Gap National Grasslands also have their own published restrictions on fireworks.


The areas marked in white on the map below indicate areas where fireworks are not banned.

Map of areas where fireworks are not prohibited. Areas in white do not have fireworks bans.


Game, Fish, and Parks does NOT allow fireworks on their properties, ever, regardless of holiday or weather condition per South Dakota Codified Law 34-37-11 .  This includes the Angostura Recreation Area as well as Shep’s Canyon Recreation Area.

Hot Springs City limits

July 4th from 9AM – 11Pm Cones, Fountains and Novelty devices permitted as long as the fire danger for the Southern Hills is not HIGH, VERY HIGH or EXTREME (See the City of Hot Springs ordinance 93.06 for full set of rules)

No consumer fireworks that explode or provide a “report” such as but not limited to firecrackers, aerial mortars, bottle rockets, skyrockets, etc. may be discharged.

Edgemont City limits

Fireworks are permitted when the fire danger for the Prairie is LOW or MODERATE. From July 1st through the 5th, 9AM to 10PM (until midnight on the 4th).
Fireworks are NOT allowed within the Edgemont City Park without prior approval of the Edgemont Common Council. Fireworks are NOT allowed on any property marked as No Trespassing or with signs prohibiting the discharge of fireworks. All fireworks discharge must be cleaned up and properly disposed of within 24 hours.  City Ordinance 2016-11-1


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