March 28, 2025

Road Maintenance Hearing – Northwest



Update from Road Hearing: All roads were passed as no maintenance except for Rocky Ford Road. This road has been moved to the Minimum Maintenance hearing.


A hearing will be held for road maintenance of county roads located in the northwestern area of Fall River County.  (The area marked with a 1 below)  The hearing will be held on January 18th, 2024 at 10am at the Fall River County Courthouse.


The exhibits below show the roads being considered for no maintenance.  The official notice is available here.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of unnamed road on the section line between sections four (4) and five (5) in Township Eight (8) South, Range One (1) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection from Moss Agate Road north for a distance of one mile to the Township Boundary as no maintenance.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of a portion of Moss Agate Road (County Road 9A)  in Township Eight (8) South, Range One (1) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the Wyoming Border east for a distance of four and one-half (4 ½) miles to the center of Section 11 in said Township and Range as no maintenance.  

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of unnamed road on the section line between sections twenty-three (23) and twenty-six (26) in Township Eight (8) South, Range Two (2) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection from Dewey Road (County Highway 6463) west for a distance of one-half (1/2) mile to the end of the road as no maintenance.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota, on Thursday will be considering the designation of Coal Creek Road (County Road 8S)  in Township Nine (9) South, Range Two (2) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4SE1/4) of Section Twenty-One (21) south for a distance of one and a quarter (1 1/4) miles and then west for a distance of one-half (1/2) mile to the end of the road in said Township and Range as no maintenance.  

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota, on Thursday will be considering the designation of Wild Sage Road in Township Seven (7) South, Range Three (3) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with South Dakota Highway 89 west for a distance of one-half (½) mile along the section line between Section thirteen (13) and Section twenty-four (24), then northwesterly to the end of the road in said Township and Range as no maintenance.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Tall Grass Road in Township Nine (9) South, Range Three (3) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with Plumb Creek Road (County Road 6S) west for a distance of one-half (½) mile along the section line between Section Twenty-Eight (28) and Section thirty-three (33) to the end of the road in said Township and Range as no maintenance.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of a portion of Highland Road (County Road 71B)  in Township Eight (8) South, Range Four (4) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at where Highland Road leaves the section line in Section thirty-six (36) continuing northwest for a distance of one-half (½) miles to the section line between Section thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (36) in said Township and Range as no maintenance.  

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of a portion of Rocky Ford Road (County Road 11S)  in Township Nine (9) South, Range Five (5) East and Township Nine (9) South, Range Four (4) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection of Highland Road then meandering south and west across the Cheyenne River for an approximate distance of two and one-half (2 ½) miles, then south on the section line between Section Eleven (11) and Section Twelve (12) for an approximate distance of three-quarters (3/4) of a mile, then west for approximately three-eights (3/8) of a mile on the section line between Section Eleven (11) and Section Fourteen (14) in said Township and Range as no maintenance.  


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