March 28, 2025

Road Maintenance Hearing – Southeast – Minimum Maintenance

A hearing will be held for road maintenance of county roads located in the southeastern area of Fall River County.  (The area marked with a 2 below)  The hearing will be held on March 21st, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Fall River County Courthouse.

Map for Road Maintenance Hearing Areas.

The exhibits below show the roads being considered for minimum maintenance.  (Exhibits E – M)

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Unnamed Road (County Road 79J) in Township Ten (10) South, Range Seven (7) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with US Highway 18/385 then northwesterly a distance of approximately 1000 feet to the section line between Section one (1) and Section Two (2) in said Township and Range, then north along said section line approximately 700 feet. [Exhibit E]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit E.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of South Fork Road (County Road 1F) in Township Ten (10) South, Range Eight (8) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with US Highway 18 then south along the section line between Section Thirteen (13) and Section Fourteen (14) for a distance of three-fourths (3/4) of a mile in said Township and Range. [Exhibit F]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit F.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Antelope Lane (County Road 4A) in Township Ten (10) South, Range Eight (8) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with old Highway 79 then east along the section line between Section Nineteen (19) and Section Thirty (30) for approximately one-fourth (1/4) of a mile in said Township and Range. [Exhibit G]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit G.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Unnamed Road in Township Ten (10) South, Range Seven (7) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with Antelope Road (County Road 4A) then south along the west quarter-quarter line of Section Twenty-six (26) for a distance of three-fourths (3/4) of a mile in said Township and Range. [Exhibit H]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit H.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Wilcox Road (County Road 385D) in Township Eleven (11) South, Range Eight (8) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with US Highway 385 then east along the section line between Section Seven (7) and Section Eighteen (18) for a distance of approximately one-fourth (1/4) of a mile in said Township and Range. [Exhibit I]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit I.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Shirk Creek Road (County Road 385B) in Township Eleven (11) South, Range Seven (7) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with US Highway 385 then west on a line running parallel to the section line between Section Twelve (12) and Section Thirteen (13) at an offset of approximately 900 feet to the south. Total length of road approximately 2000 feet. [Exhibit J]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit J.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Unnamed Road in Township Twelve (12) South, Range Eight (8) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with Pleasant Ridge Road (County Road 385E) then south along the section line between Section Three (3) and Section Four (4) for a distance of approximately one half (1/2) mile in said Township and Range. [Exhibit K]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit K.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Unnamed Road (County Road 5C) in Township Twelve (12) South, Range Six (6) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection with East Ardmore Road (County Road 5) then south along the section line between Section Ten (10) and Section Eleven (11) for a distance of approximately three-fourths (3/4) of a mile in said Township and Range. [Exhibit L]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit L.

The Board of Commissioners of Fall River County, South Dakota will be considering the designation of Short Grass Road (County Road 2L) between Township Nine (9) South, Range Eight (8) East and Township Ten (10) South, Range Eight (8) East of the Black Hills Meridian starting at the intersection of North Butte Road (County Road 2) then east one half (1/2) mile on the township line between Section Thirty-two (32) of Township Nine (9) South Range Eight (8) East and Section Five (5) of Township Ten (10) South Range Eight (8) East to the end of the road in said Townships and Range. [Exhibit M]

Map of Southeast Fall River County minimum maintenance road exhibit M.

See page for all Road Maintenance Hearings for 2024

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