March 11, 2025

What is 4-H?

4-H is a youth development program where adult volunteers provide positive, hands-on, fun and educational opportunities to empower youth to reach their full potential. This can take place in many different settings such as projects, community clubs, after school programs, camps, workshop or events. While 4-H’s roots are in farming and country living, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, and science, engineering and technology programs.

What do the H’s in 4-H Stand For?

4-H challenges you to think and make decisions, both for yourself and as a member of a group. You will discover new ways to do things and different ways of dealing with everyday challenges. 4-H is big on self-discipline, responsibility, initiative, and leadership. You will become a positive force in today’s world.

It can be tough growing up today. To sort out their ideas and emotions, 4-H members often talk to club leaders and to each other about what matters to them. 4-H gives you a chance to become friends with other young people and caring adults. It is about building character, accepting people who are different, and making your community a better place to live.

In 4-H, you learn skills that you can use for the rest of your life. You won’t just talk about it, you will actually get your hands on it, learn by doing. Members choose from about 100 different skills everything from bicycle safety to cooking to computer technology to veterinary science. 4-H often helps members discover interests that lead to rewarding careers.

Being healthy means feeling good; doing your best to balance school, friends, and family; and making the best choices. 4-H focuses on developing healthy lifestyles and understanding what happens when you make unhealthy choices.

4-H is for Everyone!

4-H Ages:
  • Cloverbuds: 5-7 years old
    • Not allowed to show large livestock or join shooting sports
  • Beginners: 8-10 years old
  • Juniors: 11-13 years old
  • Seniors: 14-18 years old

4-H Age is determined by the age of the youth on January 1st of the 4-H year (October 1st starts the new year of 4-H).

What can you do in 4-H?

It’s up to you. You can go to camp, learn to shop wisely, give a demonstration, grow vegetables, hatch an egg, chat on a computer, make bread, shadow an adult at work, choose to eat healthy foods, give a speech, cure a ham, or conquer an obstacle course, You can perform in a skit, make a birdhouse, start a business, shear sheep, take pictures, learn about electricity, judge soils, barbeque chicken, or drive a tractor. You can decorate a room, ride in a bike rodeo, be part of international exchange, learn to sew, raise an animal, or protect the environment. And there’s more! In 4-H, you will be working with other young people toward common goals and, if you wish, teaching younger kids. In short, you can build your 4-H activities around your own talents and interests.

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