March 29, 2025

4-H/Extension Service


Fall River County SDSU Extension Service offers tools to provide farmers, ranchers, agri-business people, communities, families and youth with the research-based information they need to succeed. While our Office is a large outreach program for 4-H, we also offer many tools and sources of information for our surrounding community.

What do we do?

We act as the liaison for our SDSU Extension Specialists.

Our Specialists are experts in the following areas:  

  • 4-H Youth Development, Climate assessment, Community capacity building, Crop performance testing, Crop production, Entrepreneurship, Food safety, Integrated pest management, Livestock production, Nutrition, Water and soil health, and Wellness

Master Gardeners Resources:

We have contacts for Fall River Master Gardener Volunteers

We offer testing for Private and Commercial Pesticide Applicators.

Call the office (605-745-5133) to learn how to get certified/recertified online or to schedule an appointment to take the test. 

We lease testing equipment. Please call ahead to the office to reserve any equipment and set a Pickup Date. 

You can lease our Livestock Scale for $50.00/day

Free of charge lease of testing equipment:

  • Hay Probe w/ testing information available
  • Soil Probe w/ testing information available
  • Well Water (New or Used Well) Testing w/ testing information available
  • In-house Livestock Water Testing coming soon


“To Make The Best Better”

SDSU Extension is the indispensable outreach link to people growing South Dakota’s, and the nation’s, future by providing solutions and creating opportunities. We foster learning communities that e​​​​mpower citizens to advocate for sustainable change and strengthen agriculture, natural resources, youth, families and communities.

Youth experience 4-H through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4-H camps and educational programs. Members complete hands-on projects in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.


South Dakota 4-H Mission Statement
South Dakota 4-H enables youth to be engaged in the following:

  • Partnerships with caring adults
  • Positive learning environments
  • Developing their fullest potential
  • Learning life skills


Erin McGlumphy, SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Program Advisor
709 Jensen Hwy, Suite B
Hot Springs SD  57740

Email: [email protected]



What is 4-H?

What is 4-H? Who can join? What can you do in 4-H? Why should you get involved in 4-H? Learn more about why 4-H is for everyone here!




4H Scholarships

Are you a senior in high school looking for scholarships? Is your child graduating this year? Find our 4-H Memorial Scholarships and Forms here!





  4-H Forms & Documents

Are you a new or existing member? Find all our forms & resources to help here!







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