March 6, 2025

Preliminary Assessment Notice

If you have residential or Ag property in the Edgemont or Oelrichs School District you should receive a preliminary assessment notice by January 29th.  This notice indicates the change caused by the reassessment that took place in the summer of 2015.  (This is not connected to the tax bill you also received this month.)

The preliminary notice is sent out to give owners more time to talk to the assessors if they feel there is an error with their new value.  Also during the preliminary window less paper work is needed to change a value if an error is found.

This value is not your final value and you should still take careful notice of the value on the assessment you receive after March 1st.  Those wishing to change their value after March 1st will need to go through the regular appeal process.  See the assessment appeal page for the deadlines for the regular assessment appeals.

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