March 11, 2025


CodeRED® is the FREE community notification system available to local residents that will send you alerts concerning time-sensitive and/or emergency information that may impact your area via phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media.

Fall River County encourages you to take action and register your cell phone for this service and verify your home location to receive targeted notifications that directly impact your home or business.

The CodeRED system will be used to send critical and time-sensitive communications such as:

• Missing Persons/Children
• Emergency Preparedness
• Natural Disasters
• Evacuation Notices
• Boil Water Advisories
• Inclement Weather Warnings
• Wildfire Alerts
• Public Health Crisis
• Criminal Activity
• Road Closures/Traffic Alerts
• Shelter in Place/Lockdowns


Don’t wait! Start receiving notifications that could save your life.
Sign up today!
Click on the CodeRED icon to enroll



I have the mobile app do I still need to enroll in CodeRED?  Yes, enrollment will alert you to emergency situations happening at your residence or business whether you are there or away.  The mobile app alerts you to emergency situations that are happening within a certain distance of your phone’s location.

I received a call from CodeRED and it sounded like a fax machine.  It is possible you accidently check marked the box for TDD/TYY messages in your enrollment.  This sends a type of text message for the hearing impaired.  If you have a managed account you can log back in and uncheckmark this box (it should be just to the right of the phone number).  If you did not create a managed account called CodeRED at 1-866-939-0911 for them to fix the issue.

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