September 29, 2024

Online renewal – motor vehicles

Message from treasurer

For more information on renewal of license plates, please click here.

Assessment Notices Mailed

Fall River County assessment notices were mailed on Friday, February 28th.  Residents of Fall River County should expect to see their assessment notice arrive this week.  If you do not receive your notice please contact the Director of Equalization’s office at 605-745-5136 or [email protected] .

Things to check on your assessment notice:

  • Value – the value should indicate what your property would sell for on the open market.  If you feel this number does not represent your properties value you have a short window of time to appeal this value. Check out the Appeal Deadline page and contact the Director of Equalization’s office at the contact information above.
  • Class – There are three properties classes in South Dakota: OO – owner occupied (this is for your primary residence), AG – agricultural properties, NA – non-agricultural properties (this includes everything else including commercial).  The class code shows up between the school district and acre/lot information.
  • Name, Legal, Acreage – Particularly if there have been changes such as sales or new plats on your property this year it is a good idea to check the basic information on the assessment notice to insure that no typos have been made along with the changes.

If any of the above information needs correction or if you have questions please contact the Director of Equalization’s office at 605-745-5136 or [email protected]

Remember that it is not possible to appeal your taxes, only your assessment value can be appealed.  When the tax bill is published next January for these values it will be too late to make corrections to values.

Mill Levy Published

The mill levy sheet was published for the 2019 taxes (payable in 2020). Mill levies across Fall River County decreased for the sixth year in a row.  Most areas saw a decrease of 2% to 5%.

Mill levies are expected to decrease after an increase in assessment value.

Follow the link below to see the table of mill levies.  You will need to know your tax district to find the correct line of the table.  (City of Edgemont – 39, City of Hot Springs – 6, Town of Oelrichs – 33)

Mill Levy Sheet 2019 (taxes payable 2020)
Tax District Map 2020

Courthouse Closed – New Year’s Day

The Fall River County Courthouse will be closed Friday, January 1st in observance of New Year’s Day. Regular hours will resume Monday, January 4th. Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year.

Maynard C Freemole Memorial Bridge Naming

November 26, 2019 – Hot Springs, SD  – The bridge by the courthouse was named after a WWII KIA Army Pilot from Edgemont, Maynard C Freemole, on Tuesday, November 26th, 2019 at 1:30 pm.  For those who missed the naming ceremony (held indoors due to weather) a recording is available on the Fall River County Commissioner Channel here. Below is a biography of 2nd Lt. Maynard C Freemole.


2nd Lt. Freemole February 16, 1943 Advanced Flight Graduation

Maynard C. Freemole grew up in South Dakota. He quit high school after the 10th grade and on February 10th, 1941, he lied about his age and enlisted in the Army. Maynard was seventeen.

When America joined the war, Freemole applied for pilot training and was sent to Maxwell Field in Alabama.

Not having completed high school put the teenager at a severe disadvantage during pilot training. However, Maynard bore down, beat the odds, and graduated with my father from twin engine advanced in February of 1943.

Freemole and my father did their B-17 transition training at different locations in the States. However…

Seven months later, on September 25th, 1943, 2nd Lt. Parks and his crew arrived at the 96th Bomb Group’s base at Snetterton Heath and were assigned to the 337th Squadron. Three days later, 2nd Lt. Freemole arrived at the same base and was assigned the same squadron.

They flew combat mission together until November 29th, 1943. That day, the 96th Bomb Group flew their second mission to Bremen, Germany in three days.

Over the target, immediately after bombardier Joseph LeBlanc announced “bombs away“, the Parks’ B-17 was hit by anti-aircraft fire and enemy fighters. The rest of this story is told elsewhere in this blog, however, before the sun went down that day, Lt. Parks and his crew were prisoners of war.

A little over two weeks later, on December 16th, the 8th Air Force decided the German naval installation at Bremen needed even more bombing. It is entirely possible this was the Freemole crew’s third trip to this target in less than three weeks.

That morning, over 500 B-17s and B-24s from various bomb groups based all over the part of England commonly known as East Anglia, headed for Germany.

By two o’clock in the afternoon, they had hit their assigned objective. Now, under constant attack by enemy fighters, the beleaguered bombers were battling their way back towards the North Sea and home.

Near the Dutch coast, two B-17s from the 96th Bomb Group’s 337th Squadron were shot from the sky.  Lt. Edwin Smith’s plane exploded in mid-air before anyone could bail out. Lt. Freemole’s plane went down in flames. There were no survivors.

The demise of the two bombers came so suddenly and simultaneously that they crashed very close to one another near the tiny village of Poppenwier. The remains of the ten airmen of the Smith crew and the ten from Freemole crew were buried in common graves in the village cemetery.

Maynard Freemole was three months shy of his 21st birthday.

In November of 1949, Lt. Freemole’s remains and those of several of his crew were returned to the United States. They are buried in a common grave at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri.

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