March 1, 2025

Employment Opportunity: Truck Driver / Heavy Equipment Operator

The Fall River County Highway Department is accepting applications for a full time Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator. This job requires that the applicant possess a Class “A” C.D.L. Full benefits including: vacation and sick leave, SD retirement; paid health, vision and dental insurance. For more information call us at 605-745-5137. Application available below or at one of the following locations: the SD Department of Labor, the Fall River County Courthouse, or the Fall River County Highway Department Office. Open until filled.  For full description and application see employment page.

Courthouse Closing Due to Weather

The Fall River County Courthouse county offices will be closing at 2:30pm today (Friday, April 13th) due to weather and road conditions. Have a nice weekend.

Weather Spotter Training

The National Weather Service will be conducting training on severe weather and weather spotter training on Wednesday, April 11th, starting at 7pm at the Oelrichs Community Center. Anyone interested should plan to attend.

County Appeal Board

The Fall River County assessment appeal board will meet in the afternoon of Tuesday, April 17th.

Employment Opportunity – Assessor

Assessor: The Fall River County Director of Equalization’s office is accepting applications for a full-time, certified assessor. Applicant must have excellent customer service, computer, math, written and verbal communication skills.  Real estate background, ability to read maps and understand legal descriptions is a plus. Must be able to pass background check and have clean driving history. Position requires regular fieldwork as well as office work. Starting wages are $12-$14/hour (for already certified) depending on experience. Benefits include paid health, vision and dental insurance; vacation, sick and personal leave and South Dakota State Retirement. Submit application to the Director of Equalization office. Open until filled. 

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