For the next week the South Dakota Department of Transportation will be resurfacing three bridge near the courthouse. This is causing traffic congestion in front of the courthouse. If you have business with the courthouse that can wait until next week it may be worth your time to wait. Work is scheduled to end June 11th.
Road Construction
Primary Elections
Don’t forget to vote at your polling place on June 7th between 7 am and 7 pm! Early voting is still available at the Auditor’s office until 5 pm on Monday June 6th. We hope to see you all!
You can check out sample ballots on the Auditor’s election page.
If you want to check your registration go to the South Dakota Secretary of State’s website.
If you have a smart phone check out the Vote605 App.
Commercial Reassessment
This summer the Department of Equalization will be conducting a reassessment of all commercial properties in Fall River County.
Done: All
The assessors would like to thank everyone for their cooperation during this summer reassessment. All field work has been completed except for a few odds and ends.
Preliminary notices with new values will be sent out in mid-January. After preliminary notices are sent there will be about four weeks during which you can meet with the assessors regarding the new value.
Official assessment notices will be sent March 1st. Any changes to properties after that point will require filing an appeal to the Board of Equalization.
Employment Opening: 24/7 Tech
24/7 Tech: The Fall River County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for a 24/7 program tech. Job duties include administering PBTs (alcohol breath tests) and UAs (drug tests); and entering data into computer system. Position is part-time with early morning and early evening shifts. Starting wage: $13.00/hour. Submit Law Enforcement Applications to the Sheriff’s Office, 906 N. River St., Hot Springs, SD. Position open until filled.
See Employment page for application.
Employment Opening: Jailer/Correctional Officer
Jailer/Correctional Officer: The Fall River County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for male and female correctional officers. Ideal applicants are those with good moral character, in good physical condition and who are interested in serving their community as a member of the Fall River County Sheriff’s Office Team. Correctional officers, upon hire, undergo on-going training courses along with on-the-job training to prepare them to supervise inmates.
Starting wage: $12.50/hour. Shifts are day, evening and overnight, and include weekends and holidays. Benefits include paid health, vision and dental insurance; vacation, sick and personal leave and South Dakota State Retirement. Applicant must be at least 18 year of age with high school diploma or GED. Must have a valid SD drivers license and have no felony convictions. Applicants must pass a complete background investigation, interview process, and a drug screening test. No experience required. Females encouraged to apply. Submit Law Enforcement Applications to the Sheriff’s Office, 906 N. River St., Hot Springs, SD. Position open until filled.
See Employment page for application.