February 22, 2025

Pipeline Easement Use

PIPELINE EASEMENT INSTRUCTIONS – see bottom of page for a blank form

1. Landowner/Grantee needs to read over and then fill out page one and page four.
Be sure to fill out the “Prepared By” area on page one.

2. Make sure that your signatures are notorized on page four.

3. Mark the area on the County Map where the pipeline will cross or run adjacent to the County Road right of way. A better map can be printed out at the Fall River County Web-Site: fallriver.sdcounties.org (under Directory/GIS Maps/Landowner/by Township & Range)

4. Notify the Auditor’s Office to put the easement on the agenda for approval by the County Commissioners.

5. It is the Landowner/Grantee’s responsibility to file this document with the Register of Deeds. (The cost to file this Easement as of 7-1-2012 is $30.00)

This can be done for you. Make a check payable to:  Fall River County Register of Deeds for the above amount ($30.00). This should accompany the easement to the Commissioners Meeting for approval

Blank Pipeline Easement

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