March 11, 2025

Jury Service

Jury service is usually for 3 months, however, jurors appear only periodically during the term.  Court sessions normally run from 8 AM until 5 PM, with breaks throughout including lunch.

Jurors use a “phone in” system to inform them of trials.  Jurors call every weekend (745-5131) of the service period.  The recorded message is available after 5 PM on Friday and runs all weekend, and instructs jurors about upcoming trials for the following week.  If attendance is required on a specific day, jurors again call in the night before to make sure the trial has not been cancelled.
Two parking lots exist: beside the courthouse to the north next to the jail; and across the street.  Do not park in the parking lot across the street marked for the Braun Hotel as this parking lot is for hotel business only and vehicles may be towed.

You are reminded when entering the courthouse that you may be screened.  Additionally, it is illegal to bring knives or weapons into a courthouse.  To avoid delay, leave all pocketknives, multi-tool pliers, chemical and pepper spray, weapons, or unneeded items in your car.

More information is available at the state judicial website:

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