March 28, 2025

Adding or Removing a name from a South Dakota title

In order to add or remove a name from the ownership on a title, the original paper title is required along with the current odometer mileage for vehicles\motorcycles 20 years old or newer. If there is a lien holder, you will have to request the original paper title and get a signed letter of authorization from the lien holder allowing the change.

Documents required to add or remove a name

Certificate of title

Current odometer (mileage)

South Dakota Motor Vehicle and Boat Title Application (MV-1001)

Driver’s License or State Issued ID for all owners (new ownership)

Proof of Social Security Number is required with an out of state Driver’s License or ID

Signed letter from lien holder (if applicable)

The back of the title will need to be filled out as the current ownership ‘selling’ to the new ownership. The current owners listed on the title will date, fill in the odometer (if 20 years or newer), and sign the back of the title as sellers. The new owners will fill in the buyer’s section (the name(s), address, and how the names should be connected if more than one) and sign as buyer.

Example: The title currently is in Jane Smith’s name only and needs to add John Smith to the title. Jane Smith will fill in the date, odometer, and sign as seller on the back of the title. Then in the buyer’s section she will write Jane Smith first on the buyer section, ‘or’ as the type of ownership, and John Smith second. Either Jane or John may sign as buyer on the back of the title.

Example: The title currently is in Jane Smith and John Smith’s names, and they want to remove Jane’s name form the title. The date and odometer will be filled in and both Jane and John will sign as sellers on the back of the title. John Smith will write his name in the buyer’s section and sign as buyer on the back of the title.

Names connected by ‘AND’ require both owner signatures

Names connected by ‘OR’ require only one signature

There is a $10.00 title transfer fee to add or remove a name from the title. The current registration will be transferred to the new ownership.


Frequently Asked Questions


How to fill out the Motor Vehicle and Boat Title Application

South Dakota Motor Vehicle and Boat Title Application must be included with all title transfer paperwork. If you have purchased from a South Dakota dealer this should already be included in your title paperwork. If there is more than one buyer both people may need to sign depending on how the names are connected.

Names connected by ‘AND’ require both owner signatures

Names connected by ‘OR’ require only one signature


Instructions for filling out the application

Section A: Mark whether this a boat or motor vehicle transfer

Section B: Fill in the vehicle information- full VIN, year, make, model, color, odometer (if 20 years old or newer)

Section C: For each owner fill out the name, address and South Dakota Driver’s License or ID number, or full SSN. If more than one owner fill in the ownership type (or, and, trust, trustee, or DBA)

Section D: Title mailing address if different than the owner’s address

Section E: Contact name, email address and phone number

Section F: Skip this section

Section G: If there is a lien holder fill in their name and address as it should appear on the title

Section H: Printed name and signature of the owners


When is an odometer disclosure required and how to fill it out?

An odometer disclosure is required for all vehicles 20 years or newer. The disclosure will need to be signed by both the seller and the buyer. Many states have an odometer disclosure on their titles to be filled out by the seller and a place for the seller and buyer to sign. A separate odometer disclosure form may also be used (Form 1021).

The odometer is not required on vehicles older than 20 years. If the odometer has not been previously exempted on a title the mileage may be carried forward to the newly transferred title with a proper odometer disclosure or it may be exempted. Once the mileage has been exempted it will remain that way.


The title is currently in my name, can I put it in the name of a trust?

Yes, a vehicle may be titled in a trust’s name. A copy of the trust paperwork showing the name of the trust, the trustees and the signature page will be required. All trustees will be listed on the title along with the trust and must provide either a South Dakota driver’s license or ID, or an out of state driver’s license or ID and proof of SSN. Depending on how the trust documents read all trustees may be required to sign.

The name of the trust will be listed first on the back of the title as buyer and the ownership will be listed as ‘Trust’ and then all trustees will be listed, and the ownership will be either ‘trustee and’ or ‘trustee or’ depending on how the trust documents read. The trustee(s) will sign as buyer.


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