March 7, 2025

Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Title, Plates or Decals

Replacements for lost, stolen, or destroyed titles, plates, and registration decals are processed through the Treasurer’s Office.


A duplicate title may be applied for by the owner(s) of record of a vehicle titled in South Dakota. If there are multiple owners and they are connected by ‘and’ then all owners must sign the Duplicate Title Application. If there is only one name, or the names are connected by ‘or’ then only one owner needs to sign. If the vehicle\motorcycle is less than 20 years old the current odometer reading will need to be filled out on the application.

In South Dakota, if there is a lien holder, the title is held electronically (ELT) until the lien is released. If the title is paper (before the change to ELT), and there is a lien holder section D must be signed by the lien holder. If the title is ELT a duplicate title cannot be applied for if there is a lien holder.

The fee for a duplicate title is $10.00 and may be paid by the following:

Checks, Money Orders, and Cashier’s Checks should be made payable to Fall River County Treasurer.


Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards are accepted and subject to a 2.5% service charge.

Debit cards in person are subject to a $2.50 service charge. Over the phone they are subject to a 2.5% service charge.


Plates or Registration Decals

In the event of the loss or destruction of any South Dakota plate(s) or decals, a duplicate may be obtained. If only one plate is missing or destroyed, the other plate must be returned to the county at the time of application for the duplicate.

The Affidavit for Duplicate License Plate or Registration Sticker form must be completed by the vehicle owner. If the plates were lost or stolen you must make a report to law enforcement.

The fee for duplicates plates or decals varies from $2.00 to $10.00 depending on the type of plate (regular, commercial, motorcycle, trailer, boat decals), and can be paid by the following:

Checks, Money Orders, and Cashier’s Checks should be made payable to Fall River County Treasurer.


Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards are accepted and subject to a 2.5% service charge.

Debit cards in person with use of pin # are subject to a $2.50 service charge. Over the phone they are subject to a 2.5% service charge.

** If duplicate specialty plates are being applied for, a new application for that plate type may be required and an additional $7.50 postage and handling fee will be collected.


Registration Card only

If only the registration card has been lost or destroyed a duplicate may be obtained from the Treasurer’s Office for $2.00 by the owner.

I never received my title \ plates \ decals in the mail

If you did not receive your title\plates\decals in the mail you may qualify to apply for a replacement at no charge. The replacement must be mailed to the same address as the original- if you are requesting them to be mailed to a different address you will need to pay for a duplicate.

The owner will need to fill out the Application for Replacement (Lost in Mail) form within 90 days of the issue date and submit it to our office.


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