November 17, 2024

Weekly Reassessment Area – July 13 2020

The week of July 13th: the assessors will be running two teams. One in the neighborhood along Hot Brook Canyon Rd. The other in the neighborhood along Minnekahta Ave, Spring Ave, Sioux Ave, the 700 block of N 23rd St. If time allows they will also begin working the area south and west of Houston Ave & 9th St.   UPDATE: Cool weather is helping us move faster through these properties.  We are adding the area west of N 23rd St between Washington and Lincoln Avenues and the area west of 25th St south of Lincoln Ave to this weeks properties. See map for more details.  Below is some information on reassessment if you have further questions please contact the Director of Equalization’s office at, 605-745-5136.  For more information on reassessment see our Summer 2020 Reassessment page.

Map of reassessment area for week of July 13th 2020.

Map of reassessment area week of July 13th 2020, updated map.


Why my property?  Fall River County implemented a 7-year rotation after the county-wide reassessment was completed.  This ensures that every property is physically visited by an assessor at least once every 7 years.  Your neighborhood is one of those scheduled to be visited this year.

What is reassessment?    Reassessment is when the assessor comes to your property to check for any changes, whether improvements or deterioration of buildings.  They will take new exterior photos and walk around the outside of your buildings.  If you are present they may ask you questions about the interior of the building, if you are not present they will leave a doorhanger with contact information so they can converse with you about the property later via phone or email.

What about the COVID-19 pandemic?  The assessor’s work does not require personal contact.  They will remain outside and observe proper distancing.  Our employees will conform to the current recommended practices for safety.   Employees will not enter a home unless invited by the owner and will wear face masks while inside. Employees are health screened every morning before beginning work.  If you have additional concerns about this issue regarding the assessors visiting your property, please contact our office.

When exactly will you be at my property?  We will be posting on our website which streets are being assessed each week, you can check there for updates.

Why don’t you make appointments? The short answer: it takes less time for our assessors to start at one end of the street and do each property than it does to jump from property to property based on appointments.  As we are paid by tax dollars, we consider it most important that we perform this job in a time efficient manner.   The door-to-door method has proven to be three times more efficient than making appointments.

Who is coming? Our assessors will have county identification badges and will be driving a county vehicle. If you are suspicious that someone is falsely claiming to be an assessor, please call our office at 605-745-5136 or Fall River County Dispatch at 605-745-5155.

Weekly Reassessment Area – July 6 2020

The week of July 6th: the assessors will be in the neighborhood along Hot Brook Canyon Rd and in Hot Brook Canyon Estates Subdivision. See map for more details.  Below is some information on reassessment if you have further questions please contact the Director of Equalization’s office at, 605-745-5136.  For more information on reassessment see our Summer 2020 Reassessment page.

Map of reassessment area for week of July 6th 2020

Why my property?  Fall River County implemented a 7-year rotation after the county-wide reassessment was completed.  This ensures that every property is physically visited by an assessor at least once every 7 years.  Your neighborhood is one of those scheduled to be visited this year.

What is reassessment?    Reassessment is when the assessor comes to your property to check for any changes, whether improvements or deterioration of buildings.  They will take new exterior photos and walk around the outside of your buildings.  If you are present they may ask you questions about the interior of the building, if you are not present they will leave a doorhanger with contact information so they can converse with you about the property later via phone or email.

What about the COVID-19 pandemic?  The assessor’s work does not require personal contact.  They will remain outside and observe proper distancing.  Our employees will conform to the current recommended practices for safety.   Employees will not enter a home unless invited by the owner and will wear face masks while inside. Employees are health screened every morning before beginning work.  If you have additional concerns about this issue regarding the assessors visiting your property, please contact our office.

When exactly will you be at my property?  We will be posting on our website which streets are being assessed each week, you can check there for updates.

Why don’t you make appointments? The short answer: it takes less time for our assessors to start at one end of the street and do each property than it does to jump from property to property based on appointments.  As we are paid by tax dollars, we consider it most important that we perform this job in a time efficient manner.   The door-to-door method has proven to be three times more efficient than making appointments.

Who is coming? Our assessors will have county identification badges and will be driving a county vehicle. If you are suspicious that someone is falsely claiming to be an assessor, please call our office at 605-745-5136 or Fall River County Dispatch at 605-745-5155.

Weekly Reassessment Area – June 29th

(This post has been updated 6/29/2020.) The week of June 29th: the assessors will be back in the neighborhood around the Hot Springs Golf Course and south of the bypass. They will then be moving on to the properties lying west of 23rd St and south of Wilson Ave.  See map for more details.  Below is some information on reassessment if you have further questions please contact the Director of Equalization’s office at, 605-745-5136.  For more information on reassessment see our Summer 2020 Reassessment page.

Map of weekly assessment area for June 29th 2020.

Below is the map that was first published for this week.

Map of Weekly Assessment Area, Week of June 29th 2020.

Why my property?  Fall River County implemented a 7-year rotation after the county-wide reassessment was completed.  This ensures that every property is physically visited by an assessor at least once every 7 years.  Your neighborhood is one of those scheduled to be visited this year.

What is reassessment?    Reassessment is when the assessor comes to your property to check for any changes, whether improvements or deterioration of buildings.  They will take new exterior photos and walk around the outside of your buildings.  If you are present they may ask you questions about the interior of the building, if you are not present they will leave a doorhanger with contact information so they can converse with you about the property later via phone or email.

What about the COVID-19 pandemic?  The assessor’s work does not require personal contact.  They will remain outside and observe proper distancing.  Our employees will conform to the current recommended practices for safety.   Employees will not enter a home unless invited by the owner and will wear face masks while inside. Employees are health screened every morning before beginning work.  If you have additional concerns about this issue regarding the assessors visiting your property, please contact our office.

When exactly will you be at my property?  We will be posting on our website which streets are being assessed each week, you can check there for updates.

Why don’t you make appointments? The short answer: it takes less time for our assessors to start at one end of the street and do each property than it does to jump from property to property based on appointments.  As we are paid by tax dollars, we consider it most important that we perform this job in a time efficient manner.   The door-to-door method has proven to be three times more efficient than making appointments.

Who is coming? Our assessors will have county identification badges and will be driving a county vehicle. If you are suspicious that someone is falsely claiming to be an assessor, please call our office at 605-745-5136 or Fall River County Dispatch at 605-745-5155.

Employment Opportunity: Administrative Assistant

The Fall River 4-H/Extension Office is now accepting applications for a full-time administrative assistant. Applicants must be able to mutli task, have excellent customer service, organizational, computer and written/verbal communications skills. Starting salary is $11.00-$13.00 (DOE). Work day is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Position has full benefits: health insurance, SD retirement, annual & sick leave. Submit applications to 4-H/Extension Office by July 15, 2020.


Application available on employment page

Employment Opportunity – Greeter

Greeter / Health Verifier:  Fall River County is accepting applications for a part-time, temporary Greeter.  This job entails greeting people at the front door of the courthouse, providing health checks (questionnaire and forehead temperature) for those entering the courthouse.  $11.00/hour. Monday to Friday, there will be two shifts available: 7:30am – 12:30pm and 12:30pm – 5:00pm.  Applicants must be 18 years old. Applications can be dropped off at the Auditor’s office (906 N River St, Hot Springs) or mailed to:

Fall River County Auditor
906 N River St
Hot Springs, SD 57747

Application available on employment page

For more information or for questions call the auditor at 605-745-5130 or email [email protected]

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