September 30, 2024

Mandatory Evacuations Lifted

The Incident Commander for the Vineyard Fire has lifted all the mandatory evacuations. People may return to their homes, however, erratic fire behavior means that you may be asked to evacuate again. If you decide to return home we would ask that you remain vigilant of the fire around you, stay out of the way of firefighters, and keep your bags packed so that you are ready to leave.


The Red Cross Shelter at the Mueller Civic Center will remain open for anyone choosing to remain evacuated.


Update: 8/12/2018  19:40

Vineyard Fire – Evacuations maps






Areas under Pre-evacuation: 6th St from the VA Center south boundary to Jensen Hwy (the VA Center is not included in the pre-evacuation)

The Evacuation areas: 3rd, 4th, & 5th St and the Galveston Area behind Sonny’s; Parts of Eagle Valley Subdivision including Greg Dr. Valley View Dr and Eagle Ct are still under evacuation.

Pre-Evacuation Checklist

The following list is for those who have time to prepare as a fire is approaching. Your life and the lives of your family members are always most important. If you are told to leave immediately please do so.

What to do:

  • Locate your pets and keep them nearby
  • Prepare farm animals for transport or move them to a safe location early
  • Move propane BBQ appliances away from structures
  • Turn off propane tanks
  • Gather up flammable items from the exterior of the house and bring them inside (patio furniture, door mats, trash cans, children’s toys, etc.)
  • Shut all windows and doors
  • Shut off gas at meter; turn off pilot lights
  • Shut off air conditioning

Make sure to pack:

  • prescription or special medications
  • change of clothing
  • extra eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • extra set of car keys, credit cards, cash
  • copies of important documents (Birth certificates, passports, etc)
  • pet food & water

What to wear:

  • Long pants*
  • long sleeve shirt*
  • sturdy shoes/boots

*100% cotton is preferable



Vineyard Fire – Morning update

The fire has grown to approximately 180 acres. Most of this growth was to the north. Currently there are no structures reported as lost. The evacuations for Valley View Dr and Eagle Ct remain in effect; these roads are closed to traffic. Traffic is open on Fall River Rd (Hwy 18/385) but please avoid the area if you have no need. The Red Cross has established a shelter at the Mueller Civic Center for evacuees.


Update: 8/12/2018  8:18am

Vineyard Fire

All of Valley View Dr and Eagle Ct are under evacuation. The Mueller Civic Center is being opened for evacuees.  Valley View Dr and Eagle Ct are closed to all but emergency vehicles.


Update: 8/11/2018  20:50

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