March 1, 2025

Assessment Notices in the Mail

The 2018 Assessment Notices for Fall River County were mailed out April 28th. Property owners need to verify that all of the information on the assessment notice is correct, such as the legal description, number of acres, owner’s name, and address. Another thing to verify is the property classification. If we have made any changes in class such as owner occupied, AG, non-AG, commercial; this assessment notice is your official notification of such changes.  Anyone who does not receive their notice within the next week, or finds information that needs to be corrected, should contact the Equalization Office at 745-5136.

By law, all counties in South Dakota must demonstrate to the Department of Revenue each year that the assessed values are between 85% and 100% of fair market value based on the sales of properties in the county.

***REMEMBER*** You will always see some kind of change in your value EVERY year, as properties depreciate or as sales fluctuate. These annual changes should be minimal now that reassessment has occurred. The only time you will see a significant change in your value will be the addition or removal of structures.

The Department of Equalization is responsible for assessing and valuing property in a fair and equitable manner. If a property owner feels that their assessed value is greater than market value, please contact the Equalization Office so the property can be reviewed. You will find information on the appeal process at the bottom of your assessment notice. This year’s appeal deadline is March 15, 2018 for the three LOCAL BOARDS (Argentine Township, Provo Township, and City of Oelrichs), and April 3, 2018 for the rest of the County. REMEMBER, you cannot appeal your tax bill. Taxes are billed a year behind. You must appeal in March if you do not agree with your assessed VALUE. Anyone having questions regarding the assessment process can find additional information on our website – or you can contact the Equalization Office at 745-5136.

We have included a Building Notification Form, the green sheet, with the Assessment Notice. Please use this form if you have made changes to any structures on your property. You may also come into the DOE office, call or go online to complete this form.

Meeting Cancelled – Late Start

The Fall River County Commissioner meeting for Tuesday February 20th has been rescheduled due to inclement weather. The Commissioner Meeting will now take place on Tuesday, February 27th.  The Fall River County Courthouse offices will open at 10 AM on Tuesday (Feb 20th). Further updates as the situation changes.

Courthouse Closed – President’s Day

The Fall River County Courthouse will be closed Monday, February 19th, in observance of President’s Day. Regular office hours will resume Tuesday, February 20th.

Open House & Chamber Mixer

The Fall River County Emergency Management, Fall River County Weed & Pest, SDSU Fall River County Extension/4H, and the South Dakota Department of Health Child & Family Services Offices will how an open house on Tuesday, February 13th form 4 – 6pm.  This will be a chance for the public to check out Fall River County’s new ‘South Annex’ Building (formerly the ambulance building) and learn more about the many community-serving agencies here for YOU!  This open house will be held in conjunction will the Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Monthly Mixer.  [see flyer]


Tuesday, Feb 13, 4-6pm

709 Jensen Hwy

Breakdown of Taxes 2018

The Taxable Value of Fall River County increased about 19 million this year.  The commercial reassessment accounted for 7 million of that increase.  The other increases included 10 million in residential, 9 million in agricultural land, and 2 million in agricultural homes.  There was a loss of 9 million in the value of utilities.  The following table shows the taxable value of the county by property type for the last 5 years.


The following table shows taxes collect each year.  Taxes to be collected in 2018 increased about $50,000 from last year but decreased about $22,000 from 2016.  Taxes collected by the county have been about $10 million since 2015.


The following charts show the data from the tables above.

The value of the county has been increasing for the last five years, with the budget remaining the same most areas have seen reductions in their mill levies. The following chart shows the mill levies by property type for 5 example tax districts in Fall River County. The mill levy reductions from 2014 to 2018 are evident.


The following pie chart shows what entities receive the taxes collected county wide.

Full Report: Tax Breakdown Report 2018

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