The courthouse phone system is working again as of 2pm after having been knocked out by lightning last evening during the thunderstorm.
March 4, 2025
Fall River County, South Dakota
906 N. River Street, Hot Springs, SD 57747
The courthouse phone system is working again as of 2pm after having been knocked out by lightning last evening during the thunderstorm.
The fire is currently holding at 12,000 acres, but is 0% contained. Priority for today is to construct a fire line around the entire perimeter, then to assess and contain. Thunderstorms are expected again this afternoon which can either help or hinder fire suppression efforts. Please stay out of the area unless you are directly involved with the fire suppression effort.
UPDATE: Only the following phones are working: GIS, the Register of Deeds, and Dispatch. These offices can ONLY assist you in looking up information with their own office. Internet has been restored to the other offices so you can contact them via email. The latest estimate for being fully operational is tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon.
A lightning strike to the courthouse during yesterday evening’s storm left the courthouse without phone lines. This affects the administrative offices as well as the sheriff’s office. 911 dispatch was not affected by this surge. Golden West is working to restore communication.
Cottonwood Evacuation has been lifted! Edgemont is no longer under pre-evacuation notice. This announcement comes after evaluation of the fire after this evening’s air-drop and the rain storm that followed. (7/17/2016, 8:30pm)
The City of Edgemont is under pre-evacuation notice please see our earlier list of items to consider before evacuation.
Black Hills:
Fire Danger –
Burn permits required
Fire Danger – High
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