July 6, 2024

Fall River County Board of Equalization

The Fall River County Consolidated Board of Equalization will meet Thursday, April 17th to hear appeals from citizens regarding assessed values.  Those property owners who have turned in their appeal forms (deadline April 1st) will be contacted by the Auditor to schedule their hearing. The schedule will be posted by the Auditor’s office at a later date. The public is welcome to attend all appeals. The regular county commissioner meeting will be held in the morning with the board of equalization meeting in the afternoon.

Assessment Notices Sent

The Director of Equalization mailed assessment notices on Friday, February 28th. Property owners in Fall River County should be recieving their notices in the next few days. Anyone owning land in Fall River County who does not recieve an assessment notice should contact the Director of Equalization at 605-745-5136 or [email protected] .

Those who disagree with their assessed value (that is believe that their assessed value is not the true market value) should contact the Director of Equalization office for information on how to appeal their value. Appeal forms are due Tuesday, April 1st (must be in the office or postmarked by that date). For the full calendar of appeal dates click here.

It is important to remember that property owners cannot appeal their taxes only their assessed value. For more information on what assessed values are and how they affect your taxes  click here.

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