February 8, 2025

Agricultural Land Assessment

New Soil Table Information

The new soil tables proposed by the Department of Revenue in July 2021 are not being applied.  Currently the old soil table that has been used for the last decade is still in use.

The assessment criteria for Agricultural Land is based only upon the soil survey. This has been called a productivity assessment, however, many people become confused by this terminology. The productivity assessment is not based on what your land is producing, it refers instead to the potential productivity of the soil types you own.

Soils are given different ratings based on their ability to produce. Higher rating are given to soils that have greater productivity potential. Higher ratings therefore have higher assessment values.

For a map showing soil rating in the county click here.

This rating is then multiplied by the ‘top dollar’ that the Department of Revenue gives the county each year.  Below are the top dollar amounts for Fall River County for the last ten years.

Year Crop Top Dollar Non-Crop Top Dollar
2014  $  535.22  $  302.11
2015  $  642.27  $  318.07
2016  $  770.72  $  309.13
2017  $  886.34  $  311.05
2018  $  900.80  $  304.52
2019  $  897.58  $  319.22
2020  $  947.86  $  328.17
2021  $  947.86  $  332.00
2022  $  922.77  $  335.19
2023  $  961.69  $  335.83
2024  $  986.32  $  351.05
Example:  soil that is categorized as ‘crop’ with a rating of 0.85

0.85  x  $986.32  =  $838.37  <-this is the assessed value per acre

Programs to Lower Values

Riparian Buffer Tax Incentive
Ag Soil Adjustments


South Dakota Department of Revenue Information


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