March 24, 2025

Planning & Zoning

Within the city of Hot Springs

contact City Hall for building permits and information

City of Hot Springs
303 N. River St.
Hto Springs, SD 57747

Within the City of Edgemont

contact City Hall for building permits and information

City of Edgemont
412 2nd Ave
Edgemont, SD 57735
[email protected]

Outside of, but adjacent to the city of Hot Springs or the city of Edgemont

If you are platting land that is adjacent to the city boundary or if you are platting a lot(s) that exist in a subdivision adjacent to the city boundary your plat must be approved by both the county commissioners and the city. (See South Dakota Codified Law: SDCL 11-3-6)

List of Subdivisions adjacent to Hot Springs:

  • Country Club Estates,
  • Pine Haven Subdivision,
  • Cascade Valley Development,
  • Cedar Hills Subdivision,
  • Cottage Grove Addn,
  • Cold Brook Subdivision,
  • Stoddard Addn,
  • Red Ridge Estates,
  • NewHouse Subdivision,
  • Swett Subdivision

Also, read the information below regarding building in the county.

Outside of Edgemont and Hot Springs

There is no planning and zoning. However there are items for which you as the landowners should be aware and responsible.  The commissioners some years ago put together a document called Code of the West which explains what to expect when moving to rural Fall River County. We encourage everyone to read this to be prepared for common challenges and to have proper expectations set.

1.)   Building Permit: A permit is only required if your building lies within the flood plain (see #2 below).  However, South Dakota Codified Law does require that you report changes in your property to the Director of Equalization.  You can do this online, by phone (605-745-5136), or in person.  Changes that should be reported include: building a new structure, adding an addition, moving a mobile home from one location to another, demolishing a structure, or major damages caused to a structure (by fire, weather, etc) that will not be repaired within the year.

2.)   Flood Plain: A permit is required to build within the flood plain. To find out if your building site is within the flood plain contact the GIS department at: 605-745-5136 or [email protected] .

  • Providing a GPS point of your building location will speed this process.
  • If you do not have access to equipment to take a GPS point of your building site the GIS department can do this for you but this may take time if schedules are full.
  • If you find that you are within the flood plain and you wish to contest the location of the flood plain you have the option to file a LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment) with FEMA.

3.)     Septic Systems: Septic systems within the county must comply with State of South Dakota regulations. Contact the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1-800-438-3367, website. Perhaps the most common issue is with minimum lot size.

SDCL 74:53:01:16.  Minimum lot size required. A water-carriage wastewater system may not be installed or operated on a lot which is smaller than 20,000 square feet in surface area. A water-carriage wastewater system may not be installed or operated on a lot which is smaller than 43,560 square feet (1 acre) when potable water is supplied by a private water supply system located on the lot. A water-carriage wastewater treatment system may be installed and operated on a lot which is 20,000 square feet in surface area or larger if the requirements of § 74:53:01:19 are met and the premises are supplied by a public water supply system, a private water supply system not located on the lot, or by hauling and storage of potable water in a cistern. The requirements of this section do not apply if wastewater is emptied into a holding tank or an unconventional system is used.

Even on lots larger than 1 acre topography can cause issues meeting other setback requirements.  Keep this in consideration when buying and planning construction.

For general plumbing information see

If you wish to file a complaint regarding a septic tank or onsite wastewater system you may do so with the DANR. Their online form or printable form must contain your contact information and signature but will remain confidential with the board and secretary.

4.)    Addresses: 9-1-1 addresses are used by emergency responders (ambulance, fire, law enforcement) to quickly located properties. Contact the GIS department at: 605-745-7584 or [email protected] to receive an address. This process can take several days so please do not wait to the last moment.  (Addresses are often required by the telephone, utility, insurance, and construction companies before work can begin so get your address early.)

  • Addresses are needed for the following buildings: Inhabited dwellings (homes, cabins, mobile homes, hotels, etc), Commercial businesses,  Any building with a landline phone, A building with power that is not next to an addressed structure (a barn with power next to a home does not need a separate address unless it has its own landline phone number.)
  • Addresses are determined by where your driveway meets the 9-1-1 road, please do not move 9-1-1 signs, if your driveway location has changed your address may change as well. (Landowners are allowed to move their own sign distances of less than 50′ in order to accommodated work on driveways such as the widening of a driveway.)
  • If it is necessary to name a road before your address can be assigned please allow a month or more for the naming and addressing process.
  • Mail: After an address is assigned it is the responsibility of the owner to contact the local post office for information on mailbox placement.

5.)    Driveway Approach: If your driveway exits directly onto a county road it is necessary to obtain an approach easement from the county highway superintendent. Permits and specifications can be found on the Fall River County website under highway department.

6.)   Water – Not every property in Fall River County has access to water.  Wells can be difficult to dig in some areas and rural water services are not available in many areas. Always ask before you buy as to what access to water you have.  Don’t assume that a house has water access because it costs $500,000.  There are half million dollar homes in Fall River County that have only a cistern and pay to have water delivered by truck.  For information on Rural Water Services:

  • Southern Hills Water Users, 605-745-4669
    • North of Hot Springs (existing water line)
    • South of Hot Springs (planned water line)
  • Fall River Water Users, 605-424-7648, [email protected]
    • East of Hot Springs along Fall River Rd
    • Eastern portion of Fall River County

7.) Commercial/Ag Structures: If you are building a commercial structure with a value greater than $30,000 or an agricultural structure with a value greater than $10,000 please contact the Director of Equalization, 605-745-5136, as you will be eligible for the Commercial/Ag Discretionary which will give your building reduced taxes for the first 4 years. For more information on this program see the New Construction Tax Incentive on the Tax Assistance Program page.

8.)    Digging: Before digging remember to always call One Call for utility information. or call 811 (in state) or 800- 781-7474 (out of state)

9.)    Emergency Responders: Make sure your driveway can accommodate emergency vehicles like the ambulance and fire engines. Having adequate gate widths, driveway slope, and turning radius on cutbacks are all important to ensure timely response to your structure in the event of an emergency.

10.)    Plats: The county has two ordinances regarding plats Ordinance 2012-02 and Ordinance 2018-01. Other questions about platting property should be directed to the Register of Deeds, 605-745-5139 or [email protected].

11.) Airport: The City of Hot Springs incorporated their airport a few years ago. Properties within a mile of the airport may fall into the ‘Outside of City but Adjacent’ rules.

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