September 30, 2024

Taxes Due – April 30th

First half property taxes, as well as, all special assessments are due by April 30th.

In addition, all taxes under $50 are due and payable in full on or before April 30th.  Please bring your tax payment stubs with you or include them in your envelope if you are paying by mail. If you would like a tax receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Tax payments MUST be postmarked by April 30th, or interest is automatically applied. Please notify our office of any changes to your mailing address.

Fall River County Treasurer
906 N. River St.
Hot Springs, SD 57747

For more information contact the treasurer’s office at 605-745-5145.

Statewide Tornado Drill

The Annual Statewide Tornado Drill is at 9:00am MST, Wednesday, April 25th.

Cell Tower Issue Fixed

Verizon Network Operation Center announced that their techs in Edgemont were able to fix the cell phone problem that has been affecting that area for the past week.  Anyone who continues noticing problems should report them to Lyle at 745-5144 (9am-5pm).

Employment Opportunity: Truck Driver / Heavy Equipment Operator

The Fall River County Highway Department is accepting applications for a full time Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator. This job requires that the applicant possess a Class “A” C.D.L. Full benefits including: vacation and sick leave, SD retirement; paid health, vision and dental insurance. For more information call us at 605-745-5137. Application available below or at one of the following locations: the SD Department of Labor, the Fall River County Courthouse, or the Fall River County Highway Department Office. Open until filled.  For full description and application see employment page.

Courthouse Closing Due to Weather

The Fall River County Courthouse county offices will be closing at 2:30pm today (Friday, April 13th) due to weather and road conditions. Have a nice weekend.

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