March 6, 2025

How to find your Taxing District or Property Class

taxbill2Your taxing district is listed on your tax bill.  Look at the upper right side of the page. You will see a block of text listing the city/township, additions, school district, and tax district.  In the tax district line the number after the TD is your taxing district. (This is also the number after the ‘D’ at the end of the line). See the image to the left.








assessment2Your class can be found on your assessment notice for last year.  Each property on your assessment notice is listed with a Parcel Number followed by the School District followed by one of these abbreviations: AG, OO, or NA.  See image to the left.  AG classed property has the lowest mill levy, OO is next, and NA has the highest mill levy.  The increases between these mills is entirely located in the school district’s portion of the mill levy. All other entities (county, fire, etc) charge the same mill to everyone regardless of class.

Return to “Where are my taxes going?” post.

Ag Meeting Recap

Thank you to all our AG producers who attended the Informational AG Meeting at the Mueller Center on Tuesday, October 28th.  The informal attendance count was 84. For those who could not attend links are provided below to the information that was distributed.


Fall River County AG Information Packet – produced by the Fall River Department of Equalization

Agricultural Land Assessment under the Productivity System – produced by Michael Houdyshell from the South Dakota Department of Revenue


Informational AG Meeting

Tuesday, October 28th at 9:30 am the Department of Equalization will be hosting a meeting at the Mueller Center.  Michael Houdyshell, Director of Property and Special Tax Division with the Department of Revenue will be presenting information on:

  • The AG productivity methodology which was implemented by the State of South Dakota in 2010.
  • Adjustments that can be made for AG land.
  • The development of a new AG soil table for Fall River County.
  • Information on AG sales and taxes.

There will be a Question and Answer Session after the presentations.


What: Informational AG Meeting

Where: Mueller Center, Hot Springs, SD

When: 9:30 am, Tuesday, October 28th.

Employment – County Highway Departmnet

Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator: Applications for full time employment are being accepted for a Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator with the Fall River County Highway Department. Applications for this position may be obtained at the following locations: The SD Department of Labor, The Fall River County Court House or at the Fall River County Highway Department office.

This job requires that the applicant possess a Class “A” C.D.L. The successful applicant will also be required to take a physical examination or provide a recent physical examination (within the last 90 days) signed by their doctor. The successful applicant, given a conditional offer of employment, will also be required to take a drug test, which will be paid for by Fall River County.  Open until filled.

See employment page for link to county application.

New Construction Tax Incentive

At their last meeting the Fall River County Commissioners discussed the importance of publicizing the county’s tax incentive for new construction and renovation.  In 2011 the commissioners passed a resolution pursuant to South Dakota Classified Law 10-6-35.1 & 10-6-35.2 which provides a tax break to new construction and renovations for agricultural and commercial structures.

To qualify for the program:

  • Structures must be classified as agricultural or commercial (residential structures with four units or more are considered commercial)
  • The increase in value must exceed $10,000 for agricultural structures or $30,000 for commercial structures.
  • Structures must be on a permanent foundation.


  • Structures that meet the criteria are entitled to no taxes for the first five years.
  • For renovations this is no taxes on the additional value. For example if you had a $100,000 structure and after the renovation it was appraised at $140,000 you would continue pay taxes on just the $100,000 for the next five years.

In the sixth year the property is assessed at its full value for tax purposes.  For more information on the program you can see the original resolution or contact the Director of Equalization’s office at 605-745-5136.

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